Hey! I hope you're putting the simulator to good use. If you aren't sure on how or where to use it then let me help. A few ways I use the mobile simulator are:

  • On my website for new visitors
  • Emailing it to prospects
Included in the instructions for the simulator is the code so you can pop it into your website. I mainly use this as a “WOW” factor. It looks cool and is impressive when a new visitor checks out your website. I pop in a simple, generic mobile template.

The second way I use it is the important one, when emailing prospects. Now if you didn’t check out the link on the simulator page then make sure to check it out below:


IMPORTANT: When emailing prospects you want to sell them on a lead generating tool rather than a mobile website. Why? Because small business owners don’t care about a cool and slick mobile website. They want a tool that will make them money, it’s that simple. It took a while for me to wrap my head around that one because I thought mobile sites where so cool! But once I did it increased my sales.

In a few days I’ll send over some of the subject lines I use.

Rock on!