Unfollow those Stinkers with Manage Flitter

manage filtter

It’s time to manage your twitter account and dump those stinkin unfollowers! I mean if they aren’t following you then they’ll never hear any of your tweets. So what’s the point in having them? It’s probably not the most twitteritically (politically) correct thing to say but it’s the truth. It’s something I like to do every month and I have this super easy tool to share with you all, Manage Flitter.

Manage Flitter is awesome! It’s a twitter tool that lets you unfollow those who aren’t following you. There is also the paid version that lets you follow and track users and if you have a growing twitter account, it could be very useful. But for this article I’m going to show you how to unfollow those stinkers with Manage Flitter. It can do all of these wonderful things:

  • Clean up and manage who you follow.
  • Find those who unfollowed you.
  • Follow new people to build your followers.
  • Use Analytics to understand Twitter.
  • Link Google+ to your Twitter account.

Use Manage Filtter in a Few Simple Steps

Manage your or your clients twitter account with this rocking tool. Here are the steps:

  1. Check out Manage Filtter
  2. Click Start and Connect to Twitter. It will link to your Twitter account and then bring you to the dashboard. To unfollow people stay in the Unfollow tab. The Follow and Track tabs are for paid users.
  3. You’ll get a count of how many people aren’t following you. Simply delete them.
    *Tip: If you click Quick Edit under page overview you’ll be able to select all those users (drag a box around them) and delete them at once.
  4. After you select someone to unfollow, click Unfollow Selected and they will be deleted.

*MONEY MAKING TIP [Read This!]: I’ve used Fiverr over the last couple of months. One idea that flashed by my enormous brain :) was to setup a $5 service that you can help people manage their twitter accounts. Say they are following 3500 but only have 1200 followers. You can guarantee that at least 1000 of those aren’t following them. This could also be useful for anyone that does internet marketing for businesses. You can be their twitter account rep and even set them up with a paid plan that you manage! Better than that, manage it behind the scenes and then send them stats and tidy up their account 1-2 times per month!

Manage Twitter with this Rocking Unfollow Twitter Tool

Watch the video for Step by Step instructions for setting up Manage Flitter.

Any questions with the tool? Let us know below!

3 comments… add one

  • Hello, Ive been using Manage Flitter for over a yr. now- loving this tool to death, but w/in the last month I havent been able to unfollow the ppl selected to delete. There’s no longer an unfollow tab anymore & ive even tried on the mobile flitter it doesnt delete ppl there either! PLEASE HELP!!!

  • Hi @8caf73b4e7b7924b968acd743aeb63dd:disqus ,

    We are sorry to hear you have been experiencing problems with your ManageFlitter account. Please email and one of our developers can provide assistance.

    We also appreciate your guidance @SteveAlberts:disqus 

    Kind Regards

    Chelcie Plowright
    ManageFlitter Customer Service


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