Use Twitter SMS to Land Clients

sms twitter

I recently just came across a good tool you can include in your services, Twitter SMS. I like to offer this in an addition to my regular SMS services. It’s good to give your clients a good array of choices (but not too many) and see what fits best for their company. If you only design and sell mobile sites then you can create a free Twitter SMS account for their business. If you have a business yourself, use it for your own Twitter account! Follow the setups below to set it up, it’s super easy. First a few things if you’re a SMS noobie:

  • Shortcode: A shortcode is the number you text the keyword to. Example: “Text Pizza to 40404″ The shortcode here is 40404.
  • Keyword: The keyword is the word you text to the number (shortcode). In the example above the keyword is Pizza.

It’s time to rock Twitter SMS!

Setup SMS Twitter

  1. Setup a Twitter account. If you already have one you might want to make a separate account just for SMS. Maybe a “@yournameDeals” or “@yournameCoupons.”
  2. Find your countries shortcode here, .
  3. Test your Twitter SMS. To subscribe to my twitter sms you would, “Text StephenAlberts to 40404” (Try it out. Don’t worry I mostly talk about mobile web stuff.) Subscribe to yours so you can test sending out a message.
  4. Now go into your Twitter account and tweet something. The message will get pushed to your phone as a text.

And that’s it! Super simple plus it could be a powerful tool. If I owned a business or wanted a client to use this I would setup a Twitter SMS and then help them get super cheap handout (business) cards from Tell them to hand each customer a business card with the “Text YourName to 40404 for Monthly Deals”. Also they should hang posters up around the store and on their windows (outside traffic). GotPrint can also do this super cheap.

If you have any problems let me know below. Also feel free to promote your new Twitter SMS below!

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