A Simple HTML Mobile Template that ROCKS!
Not a computer expert? No problem! I have developed an amazing HTML mobile template that will make your website functional and all important information visible on any mobile screen. If you know basic HTML then you can easily use the mobile HTML template without any sweat. Editing colors and graphics is a breeze.
Be ready with a mobile site when you’re prospecting clients that need one. It’s not that you have to spend thousands of dollars to provide what your clients need. In fact, it wouldn’t even cost you two cheeseburgers to get a mobile website up and running!
And it’s because mobile users are not the most patient and loyal customers, I have made it so simple to make it load super-fast on mobile phones so that you don’t miss any opportunity. There could be a lot of developers offering fancy templates for mobile sites but remember that when someone uses their mobile phone to access the Internet for quick information, you bet they need their question answered in the fastest way. They don’t have time to compare and see which site has the prettiest design.
And in addition to its basic features, our mobile html template comes with a step by step video tutorial that helps you get your mobile site up and running in under 30 minutes.
Oh, by the way, did I say that our mobile HTML template is royalty free? So to anyone who has a client whose site isn’t mobile yet, you can always resell it. No questions asked. You can even subscribe to my newsletter to receive business tips and freebies – everything for the sake of mobile goodness.
Over the past couple of years, mobile marketing has become the hottest topic in the business world. People are going mobile and if your client is not then they are losing a lot of opportunities. In fact, with about 82 million smart phone users in the US, there’s a great chance that one of them could be trying to access their website using their mobile phone right now. And if their site isn’t optimized for mobile yet, that prospect would most likely go to a competitor’s site. Ouch!
That is why they need to go mobile! If Google, Bing, and Yahoo are investing heavily on mobile, there must be an urgent and a great demand for mobile search. So what are you waiting for?! Check out our mobile HTML template and start designing sites for your clients today!
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